
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Bridge @ Seah Street

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More dining establishments are moving towards a healthier approach on the execution of their food and Bridge is one of them. Bridge aims to offer wholesome but hearty and satisfying food. The Pumkinoa ($16) is a colourful combination of organic quinoa, carrot vinaigrette, roasted rosemary pumpkin, pumpkin seeds and feta cheese. It is pleasing to the eyes and a nutritious option. I really liked the roasted pumpkin!

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The Lobster - $36
Sandwiched in a crisp croissant are scrambled eggs, baby spinach, bacon and lobster(of course). The lobster croissant is accompanied by a mesclun salad drizzled with truffle honey vinaigrette. I think that the price point of this lobster roll is pretty steep and the entire croissant was a little on the dry side. I would have much preferred a simple lobster croissant with a great sauce and the scrambled eggs and bacon on the side. Lobster is an expensive ingredient and I feel that it should be presented in a way where its taste is enhanced and amplified, instead of dulling it with the likes of bacon and eggs.

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62 Degree Celcius Egg - $19
Not just pleasing to the eyes, this dish is a myriad of flavours and ingredients that melded perfectly and it is bound to please your palate too. Atop a bed of truffle mash potato, we have sauteed wild mushrooms, parma ham and a sous vide egg. The dish is finally topped with slices of seasonal truffle. I love how flavourful everything was together and the truffle mash was very delightful.

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Cow's Nightmare - $26
The colour of the beef stew was honestly, quite scary. We dug into it only to realise that the pieces of beef were hard and tough. We requested for a change and the second batch was extremely tender and delicious. Not quite sure what went wrong with the first but it was really quite good the second time around.

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A.S.S -$18
This was said to be a must-try here at Bridge. I was quite excited to try out the combination of smoked salmon with tobiko cream, mozzarella and corn salsa. The avocado scramble was somewhat a letdown as it was pretty bland. While I understand that it was to balance out the saltiness from the smoked salmon, I thought that the abundance of bland avocado was not of a healthy ratio to the smoked salmon. The blandness more than covered up the smoked salmon for me, or maybe I just took too huge a bite of the avocado scramble but I strongly feel that it could use some salt and a squeeze of lemon for more flavour. 

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Truffle Honey French Toast - $18
By now, you must have realised the presence of truffle in a great many of their dishes. I've tried their homemade truffle butter on my previous visit and I really loved it, especially with freshly baked sourdough. With a visual appeal this strong, I expected myself to fall in love with the toast. I was slightly disappointed with the toast as it a tad dry towards the middle. A scoop of Milk & Sea Salt icecream directly imported from Okinawa comes with the toast but it was too small a scoop for the entire platter of bread. While the icecream was yummy, it was quite icy. I didn't hate this, but I didn't love it either. It could definitely use a little tweaking.

All in all, I feel that the food at Bridge could use a little fine-tuning. I will definitely make a return for that 62 Degree Celcius Eggs though! The coffee here was also better than I had expected. Do share with me your experience at Bridge and if there's anything that I should have tried but missed out on!

31 Seah Street
Singapore 188387
Tuesday - Thursday : 12pm -10pm
Friday : 12pm - 1am
Saturday : 11am - 1am
Sunday : 11am - 5pm


Love, K

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