
Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Waterfall @ Shangri-La Hotel

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The Waterfall at Shangri-La Hotel is truly beautiful. With an alfresco area right beside the pool and a spacious colonial indoor dining area that is comfortable and cozy, it's no wonder the restaurant has long been a popular dining destination. The Waterfall dishes out authentic Southern Italian cuisine under the watch of Chef Marco, a Sicilian native. A new menu featuring exclusive imported cheeses, cold cuts and 26 new dishes has recently been launched. Diners can opt for a semi-lunch buffet, in which they can go for unlimited rounds of antipasti, on top of their main courses.

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Insalata di Granchio Arance e Finocchi - $22
Bright and pleasing to the eyes, the salad features a toss-together of orange, fennel, crab, mixed salad, black olives, cherry tomatoes and Tropea red onions.

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Raviolo con Ricotta di Bufala e Pomodori - $25
Southern Italian cuisine differs from its Northern counterpart mainly in terms of the ingredients used. While butter is largely engaged in the North, it is hardly used in the South where olive oil and herbs are the main ingredients. This naturally translates to healthier options. The pasta at The Waterfall is not to be taken lightly. Every pasta type is painstakingly handmade in-house and you can tell the difference between the pasta here and those store-bought ones in just a mouthful. I particularly enjoyed the basil sauce with bufala ricotta.

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Spaghetti alla Chitarra al Ragu di Crostacei - $29
This dish was flawlessly executed and it is undoubtedly one of the best pasta dishes that I've had this year, or ever. The rich and delightful flavours from a seemingly simple mix of garlic, extra virgin olive oil, lemon and chilli, coupled with perfectly al dente homemade chitarra pasta and topped with fresh shrimps and prawns totally stole the show for me.

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Spigola all Acqua Pazza - $36
Sea bass isn't my thing but I took a surprising liking to the Neapolitan-style one at The Waterfall. I love the freshness and that very clean taste of the sea bass and how soft the fish was. This might not be the fanciest-looking dish but it tastes way better than it looks. I really have a new-found admiration for Southern Italian cuisine after this. That light broth has a brilliant touch of wine and it is really tasty despite its unassuming appearance

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Suprema di Pollo Farcita Agli Asparagi - $36
I've never come across a stuffed roasted chicken breast before so I was pretty amazed. Amazed by how cleverly the spinach was stuffed and how tender the chicken breast was. The dish comes with a bed of caponata(cooked vegetable salad) and a side of potato and that accompanying rocket pesto sauce was quite honestly, delectable. An unpretentious but absolutely satisfying plate of pure goodness

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Bigne Al Limone- $15
A chocolate dome arrived at our table and I stared at the hard shell, thinking what could be encased within it. Moments later, warm chocolate sauce rained down on the dome and it cracked apart after being lightly attacked by a spoon.

photo P9058645.jpg And here we have it, a beautiful fudgey rich mess that has not even presented its stunning secret, the profiteroles that are still in hiding. The profiteroles had cold lemon cream in them and it was a stark but lovely and extremely welcoming contrast to the warm chocolate. This was an ingenious idea that saw everything come together so faultlessly and there couldn't be a better finish to my afternoon.

On top of an impressive menu, The Waterfall boasts a great ambience, extensive wine list, vegan options, super comfortable plush arm chairs and a very relaxing vibe that makes you want to stay there forever and ever. I really enjoyed my afternoon at The Waterfall, and I'll definitely be back!

* This was a media tasting

Shangri-La Hotel
22 Orange Grove Road
Level One, Garden Wing
Singapore 258350
Daily : Breakfast (630am - 11am)
Light Snacks (11am - 12pm, 3pm - 6pm)
Lunch (12pm - 3pm)
Dinner (6pm - 1030pm)


Love, K

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