
Thursday, April 2, 2015


Media Invite

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ANJALI CHOCOLAT has relocated from Pasarbella at Turf City to Loewen Road, next to Dempsey. With its new location, comes a spanking new chocolate studio, Temper. Tucked deep inside Loewen Road, this is not the easiest place to find, and impossible to get to without private transport but it might just be worth the effort if you're looking for premium chocolates crafted from the finest ingredients (think French butter, Belgian Chocolate etc).

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The chocolate shop!

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A very cold studio optimised for chocolate making.

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After a quick and short demo on how to melt chocolate, we were split into three groups where we begin our chocolate crafting competition!

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My very awesome team mates who practically did everything because I was that useless haha

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Earl grey tea leaves in cream. Can you guess what we're making?

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Our milk chocolate with earl grey cream all rolled up and ready to be dipped in cocoa (don't judge)

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Those white chocolate balls contain white chocolate coconut ganache with dessicated coconut. So perfectly round that nobody believed that we made it. But truth is, we didn't HAHA. We ran out of time to make our own dark chocolate coating so Anjali kindly gave us some of these pre-made white chocolate balls. Not a fan of white chocolate, nor coconut but these were seriously, pretty awesome. Our Earl Grey Milk Chocolate Truffles were good too! Just that they weren't chilled enough and were way too soft. But the marriage of earl grey and milk chocolate is always quite divine. Being able to create your own chocolate in a professional environment is really great fun!

ANJALI CHOCOLAT's website is still under construction and should be up and fully functional soon. You will be able to book your classes there, then! The studio can hold up to 12 comfortably, and possibly more. Find out more here :

73 Loewen Road
#01-15, 16


Love, K 

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