
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sin Lee Foods

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The best cafe-hopping crew agreed to meet me at my convenience and we headed to Sin Lee Foods. After hearing so much about their chicken and waffles, I was super psyched about coming here.

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Salted Egg Sweet Potato Fries - $11
As soon as this caught C's eyes, I knew she would order this. She's always been a sweet potato lover. And what more, it is topped with salted egg! Who doesn't love salted egg? This was truly a unique combination and I thought it was interesting enough but it didn't impress like I thought it would. Perhaps I expected the salted egg yolk to be stronger and tastier. It was a little on the milder side, and when coupled with the subtle sweet potato, it just didn't quite come across together that well, to me. C loved it though! Food is indeed very subjective

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Sin Lee's Fried Chicken & Waffles - $21.90
A whopping $21.90 for waffle and a piece of fried chicken? This better be more than great. It better be fantastic. Unfortunately, it was an utter let down. The waffle was pretty tasteless and even though the fried chicken was crisp, it didn't save the dish. What killed it, for me, was the maple butter. You know how when buttercream is not made well, there's this "stench" that resembles puke? When I placed a cube of waffle drizzled with the maple butter into my mouth, I spat it out immediately. I'm sorry to say this and I know it is terribly harsh but it tasted very much like puke to me. I guess I'm really quite sensitive because the rest were okay with it.

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Aburi Broccoli Salad - $10
This was sent to our table and the staff told us that it was on the house. We were surprised and of course, thankful. Being the carnivore that I am, I was hesitant to try it but the duo convinced me to give it a shot and I'm glad I did. It was very well-seasoned with white balsamic, papadum and red sugar, and I can see how it can be really addictive.

I had an iced latte ($6) which was a little too diluted for my liking but it was still alright. Service was prompt and the servers were super attentive.

I'll like to try their Foie Gras Danish and Beef & Grains some day. If you've tried them, do let me know what you think. And whether it's worth the trip.

Blk 4 Jalan Bukit Ho Swee
Tuesday - Sunday : 10am - 9pm



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