
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Plain Vanilla Bakery

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Plain Vanilla is the place I go to for my fix of salted caramel cupcakes. I'm not a fan of cupcakes but I can't resist the salted caramel cupcake from PV! Definitely the best in Singapore, in my humble opinion! I was really excited to finally be able to check out PV Bakery after our tasting session at 40 Hands!

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Rustic and charming

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I was so excited that I forgot to take down the names of the two pretty items that I chose! Chocolate Truffle Sea Salt tart ($7) was it? Rich and smooth ganache sitting in a delightfully hard tart crust. This chocolate tart will overwhelm you, not because it is too chocolatey, but because it is simply, too good.

 photo P4305325.jpg The Lemon Ginger Cake ($7) surprised with a lemon drizzle that was the perfect balance of sweet and sour. The soft bundt cake was flawlessly put together, and topped with tiny dynamites of candied ginger. Pretty much, magical!

I really like the outlook of PV and the dessert selection here! Will certainly be back for more! Eyeing that little corner where I could possibly spend an afternoon with a good book! 

1D Yong Siak Street
Tuesday-Friday : 11am-8pm
Saturday : 9am-8pm
Sunday: 9am-6pm


Love, K

K's rating of PV : 9/10

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