
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Assembly Coffee

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I remember visiting Evans Lodge years ago, for brunch at Hatched. Then, Evans Lodge was a quiet and serene place. And now, it's bustling with a constant stream of people flocking to Assembly Coffee. I, too, was dying to try their much raved about waffles and decided to pop by on a Sunday

When I got there, there was a short queue at the door. My foodie partner in crime for the day was already seated at the long table. Shortly after joining her, we had the opportunity of seizing a vacated table at the corner. The tables were all packed so closely together and it was honestly, too close for comfort.

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Iced Latte - $5
The glass of iced latte was reasonably priced but was a letdown. I've heard so much about their coffee and I expected better. My glass of latte was terribly diluted and I could hardly taste the coffee. Perhaps I should have gotten a hot latte instead, especially when their latte art is really impressive

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Scrambled Eggs Croissant - $13.90
The croissant was very crisp and fragrant and my P.I.C for the day kept going "the croissant is damn nice!" I agree wholeheartedly with her and I love how the fluffy scrambled eggs and smoked salmon were quite a match made in heaven. A somewhat simple dish that is certainly very satisfying.

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Earl Grey Caramel Waffle - $11.50
The waffle was a tad too hollow for my liking but the mild earl grey flavour was just right and the taste of this waffle makes up for its texture! I'm not a fan of New Zealand Natural icecream so I would have preferred a better tasting scoop of vanilla icecream. But there's no denying that this is a pretty damn good waffle! Would have loved it more if it was crisp!

The waiting time wasn't as long as I had expected it to be and I really like the vibe of Assembly Coffee but I doubt I'll be returning on a weekend anytime soon. We were asked to give up our table for a group of five and we obliged. We returned to the long table and sat awfully near each other and we were still raising our voices to communicate. It was really too noisy for us but it is testament to how popular this cafe is!

26 Evans Lodge
Tue - Thu: 10:00 - 21:00
Fri - Sun: 09:00 - 22:00


Love, K

K's rating of Assembly Coffee : 7.5/10

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