
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sun Ray Cafe

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We brought the little one out for some playtime before his monthly grooming session. Please pardon his dirty whiskers haha they are the result of him stealing butter bread from the kitchen.

Have long been wanting to bring Waffles here but I just never got down to it. Finally got the chance to visit!

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(Waffles staring at the cup of coffee beans on the table) : "FOOD? FOOD? I WANT"

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Iced Latte- $6
Probably the largest glass of iced latte ever haha I didn't even manage to finish it after sitting there for close to 2 hours. The coffee was smooth with the right balance of milk and coffee for me

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Latte - $4
Very affordable cuppa

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Poached Eggs - $18
One of the eggs was perfect while the other was slightly overcooked. Served with crusty traditional Singapore toast and savoury smoked salmon, I quite enjoyed this! The hollandaise was overly sour and a little odd though. Also, we felt that the portion was pretty small. Definitely not filling

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American - $20
Creamy scrambled eggs on a traditional Singapore toast accompanied with a German Bratwurst, sauteed mushrooms, bacon, baked beans and a side of salad. This was quite a hearty dish and I especially like the eggs and juicy mushrooms. The salad was drizzled with a very sour dressing and I didn't know that before giving some to Waffles and he actually spat it out haha. Waffles never spits anything out. Must really have been too sour

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"No! Don't smell me! Go away!"

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"Okay, now I smell you back"

We were quite disappointed when we first got there because there were only two dogs around and they left shortly after we arrived. But four families and their dogs came later on! I trust that Waffles had fun haha

Will definitely bring Waffles back here again! Love love love dog-friendly places! Oh yes, not forgetting the efficient service and friendly staff who paid attention to the attention-seeking Waffles haha thanks for showering him with some love!

79 Brighton Crescent
Monday - Tueday: 18:00 - 23:00
Wednesday - Thursday: 11:00 - 23:00
Friday: 11:00 - 00:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 00:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 23:00

Love, K

K's rating of Sun Ray : 8/10


  1. Waffles is so cute!!! Do bring him out sometime. Would definitely love to play with him :))

    1. Hehe I thank you on Waffles' behalf for the compliment! Will definitely bring him to meet you if there's a chance! He'll love you for sure!
