
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Square

Invited Food Tasting

"Are you Hot enough?"

That's the name of the new buffet spread offered at The Square at Novotel Clarke Quay. Cleverly manipulating chilli in a great number of their dishes(even desserts!), this is a buffet you wouldn't want to miss!

Meeting Jean and John was comforting because it's been a long while since I've met people who can't take chilli. Back in my junior college days, every single person around me couldn't take chilli hahaha but when I moved on to university, everyone could take chilli... And they said I'm really lousy ):

The usuals

Steamed salmon


Asian platter and tapas



The "fire" extinguisher haha I liked the soya milk!

Three new dishes bearing tags that indicate their level of spiciness.

The three dishes are, in order of their level of spiciness
Spicy Pork - Level 1

Fish with Cream Sauce - Level 2

Chicken in Brown sauce - Level 3

Pretty display of desserts




Spicy fruit syrup




DIY station! You can make your own dessert with shaved ice and the huge selection of toppings!

Pure apple juice!

Yay jellyfish and Wakame seaweed!

I was actually pretty scared to try the 3 special dishes. Haha as you all know, both X and I are really bad at taking spice. However, to our surprise, the fish was not spicy at all! And I really liked it. It was coated with a light cream sauce that was savory and pleasant. The fish was also soft and very fresh! The second spiciest dish was the chicken. The spiciness came from the jalapenos that it was cooked with. And the spiciest one was the spicy pork! Even though it was supposed to be level 1. Haha maybe they mixed the signs up or something. The spiciest item in the buffet spread was probably the sambal squid haha it was super spicy!

We were telling John that the dishes weren't very spicy. I mean, if its anything that X and I can take, it probably is negatively spicy to the average Singaporean. Haha. And John said maybe the chefs took them too seriously as the three tasters who tried the new menu were all of foreign nationalities and are not accustomed to taking chilli. Haha so they must have said that everything was too spicy and the chefs reduced the spiciness accordingly haha

Laksa risotto
THIS WAS REALLY SPICY. One mouthful and I'm out. HAHA

Their signature Cheese Risotto.
This was really delicious! Infused with the sweetness of tomatoes and not overwhelmingly cheesy!

OMG I just realised that I didn't take a picture of the codfish in a delightful sauce which is a mix between laksa and French bisque. It was just a little spicy, but the codfish was so soft and nice and was really excellent with the rich and thick sauce! Can't believe I didn't take a picture of it.. I must be too excited to try it.

Ginger chicken, Black pepper Green Musssels, Prawns in Mayonnaise


Duck leg, Gammon Ham, Roasted beef

Nachos with salsa and cheese, siew mai and roasted potatoes

Seafood again!

Always my favourite part.
The orange tarts were great! And the chocolate ganache tart was so smooth and rich mhmm...

Poached pear in chocolate and chilli powder
A unique creation!

Marshmallows and mini fruit crumble
I love the fruit crumble! The crumble was so sweet and crunchy

Chocolate mousse with chilli
You're supposed to eat the chilli after the mousse... Haha obviously we didn't! There's chilli present in the mousse too. The sudden and sharp spiciness hits you fast but doesn't linger for long. Definitely a must-try!

Durian Pengat
A really popular item that durian lovers are bound to fall in love with! It might be a little sweet for some but it's really good!

For their CNY buffet, The Square is featuring a Do-It-Yourself Yusheng station! How cool is that. I'll steal all the golden pillows haha. And on Valentine's Day, "Love Is Hot" at The Square and their buffet spread will be going at $98++ for a couple! Screams "Value-for-money!"

"Are You Hot Enough" Buffet is available on 

Sunday- Thursday : 6pm- 10pm
-$48 ++ (Adult) $30++(Child)

Friday - Satuday: 6pm-10pm
-$58 ++ (Adult) $38++(Child)

Make a reservation here or call 66816667!

We'll like to thank John and Jean for having us and for such a pleasant evening! We really enjoyed ourselves!

177A River Valley Road
#07-00 Novotel Clarke Quay
Daily: 06:00 - 10:30, 12:00 - 14:30, 18:00 - 22:00


Love, K


  1. Haha you are really lousy you cannot take chilli. Must try to take chilli..what if you need to review a Thai or Sichuan restaurant :P

    1. I've tried very hard! Haha I love sambal stingray and tomyam but I can't go 2 mouthfuls without needing a drink ): I'm sure the Thai and Sichuan restaurants have non-spicy stuff right hahaha
