
Friday, August 17, 2012

(Closed) Pal Ja Mak Chang : Running Man's Ha Ha's Restaurant @ Hongdae

This is the famous restaurant opened by Ha Ha of Running Man. And guess where it is located? About 8 minutes, on foot, from our apartment. Can I please rave about how awesome our apartment is again? Hahaha




We got there at about 5pm and the staff were still having dinner. So we were asked to take a seat first while we waited for them to finish their dinner so they can take our orders.


The sauce that the onions were in was good!


The restaurant is famous for innards.
They have different sauces that you're supposed to eat with different things. Actually, on the menu, there is only one type of meat(pork). Everything else is innards. So we ordered 2 portions of pork and one portion of pig intestines. So there's a sauce to be eaten with the innards, and a sauce to be eaten with the pork. The staff will tell you which is for which!


The intestines seemed to be cooked really fast but actually it takes a longer time than the meat to be cooked!

How the intestines should look before they can be eaten.

They are really crispy! Quite yummy but some might not like the taste!

Bean paste soup and rice

Scorched rice - which is essentially porridge

The meat was pretty succulent and nice. X really liked the intestines haha. I'm not that big a fan of it or he'd have definitely ordered cow's intestines or something to try. We ate the scorched rice with a bit of the bean paste soup and the bean paste sauce and we actually managed to finish the huge pot. Haha this was the most expensive barbecue we've had the entire trip. It cost 30,000 won. But it's really worth it for all that we ate!

395-17 Seogyo-dong (23 Jandari-ro), Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea

Love, K


  1. HAHA is getting marry! His restaurant and Gary's serve the same type of food?

    U are in Korea at the right time to catch the Gangnam Style

    1. I didn't go to Gary's restaurant so I'm not sure! Haha yes, when I was there, I heard the song like 20 times a day, everywhere. Plus, the clubs are only a few steps away, so I hear it in the middle of the night too haha
