
Friday, June 22, 2012


I was checking out credit card discounts when I came across a 1 for 1 buffet promotion at Cafebiz! I was immediately drawn to it and went to their website to take a look. The offer stands for DBS/UOB/OCBC and Maybank card holders. I called them to make a reservation for 6 on a Thursday night. The promotion runs from Mondays to Thursdays.

We were really excited to see what they have to offer!


Counter to get drinks. Free flow of coke, sprite, coffee and tea.

Japanese section : sushi and sashimi
The variety is pretty limited. There were only tuna and salmon sashimi and simple sushi

Seafood section : Prawns, clams, mussels, lobster, crabs

What shocked us was the non-existence of oysters.
Which hotel buffet has no oysters ):

Chinese and Indian section: Laksa, tea eggs, roast meat, roast duck, naan, satay
Nothing really left an impression

Dessert section : Chocolate fountain with fruits and marshmallows and hollow puffs.

Simple fare like pandan cake, kueh lapis, and jelly
There were fruit tarts, opera, eclairs, chocolate cakes and swiss rolls too

The prawns were juicy and pretty fresh.
The legs of the crabs were hard to tackle but were pretty good.
The highlight has gotta be the lobsters which were fleshy and juicy
The clams and mussels didn't taste very fresh
The scallops were alright
The norwegian salmon was pretty delicious

The sashimi were refilled quickly and were generally quite fresh.
The cold cuts were alright. The taste of the spices were overpowering

Chefs went around tables passing certain items which were not available on display to us personally. This hotdog was quite good!

Pasta which was creamy and delectable.
The fish was cooked in an earl-grey infused sauce which was pretty interesting.
I felt that the seafood pudding was pretty unique but wasn't very tasty.

Sashimi again

Laksa, which I barely touched

Nothing really impressive.

One of my favourite sections was actually the bread section which boasted a few types of bread, along with butter or garlic butter. I ate a few of them hahaha the garlic butter was yummy! And as you can see, we made chocolate bread haha.

The hollow puffs were a disappointment. They were like "lao-hong"

Marshmallows and fruits drizzled in chocolate.
The selection of fruits ran out but were not re-filled

The chocolate cakes were good! The opera was not too bad and the eclairs were alright too.

I asked for a cup of milk tea but they told me that that's chargeable so they offered me tea with milk.

Icecream with nuts and fruits


Photobucket Waffles that were a little soggy

My friends felt that the selection was pretty limited. And they were disappointed at the absence of oysters. Some of the dishes on display were refilled promptly but most of them were not. For example, the black pepper chilli crab container was always empty and I did not even get to see one crab. And we did not have the opportunity to try that too. But I guess, given what we pay, $38 per pax, we can't really complain much. And also maybe because this buffet is kinda a fusion one, so several of the items were not as appealing. The quality of the food was generally alright. Service was good and the staff were friendly. I doubt we'd be returning anytime soon though

Traders Hotel, Level 1
Daily: 6.30am–10.30am, 12pm–2.30pm, 6.30pm–10pm

Love, K

K's rating of Cafebiz: 6/10

1 comment:

  1. great photos and information! thank you!
