
Thursday, November 24, 2011

One Caramel

We headed to One Caramel for dessert after brunch one day!



One Caramel is located on the second level and we had pretty high expectations of the design of the place. I mean, that should be quite a huge space and we thought it'd be really grand and pretty! I guess we thought wrong. The dining area is really small and can only fit about 5 tables.

We were pretty full so we only ordered one dessert. We had "Death by Chocolate"
Valrhona Sofiato molten lava cake


with dark chocolate sorbet.


We were really disappointed. The molten cake was too dry and the taste just wasn't right. The only saving grace for this dessert was the dark chocolate sorbet which was pretty good in my opinion. We aren't sure if we'll head back there for brunch or their cakes but I'm not exactly keen to go back there again. Do share your experiences at One Caramel! Maybe we just ordered the wrong dessert. Maybe we should have gotten the chocolate souffle instead.

1 Rochester Park, Level 2, Singapore 139212

Mon-Fri:1130am – 1030pm
Sat-Sun:10am -1030pm (Brunch is available till 4pm)


Love, K

K's rating of One Caramel : 5.5/10

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