
Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I was racking my brains as to where to go for brunch the following day on a Friday night. And The Star went "I'll bring you somewhere you've never heard of, if not I'll swallow my iphone" And I was like... "Don't exaggerate!!" Hahaha. When we were in the car, I was like "DUXTON RIGHT WE CONFIRM GOING TO DUXTON" Haha true enough, we were heading to Duxton, except that he did not turn into Duxton Hill or Duxton Road.. I thought he was trying to con me. Maybe make a u-turn of something HAHA.

He turned into a carpark near Neil Road and took out the street directory and said "Wait, I need to find the way" And I was like .. idiot don't even know the way HAHAHA. But it was all a ploy we were supposed to get off there!

He led the way along a pretty narrow pavement right by the road and I was really clueless to where we were heading, till he stopped and said "here we are!"


Kudos to him, I've really never heard of ARDENT'S before. ARDENT'S is a new restaurant that has only been in operation for a couple of weeks.


Question: What are the 3 words that get you excited on this chalkboard?

When I saw the outdoor seating area, I was like WOW. This is pretty amazing. But it was too hot to sit outdoors.



Halloween decorations

Looks pretty much like a haunted house right haha



Cool fireplace



I didn't know what to eat. I was really tempted by the banana caramel waffles.. Haha


My rosti with cheese sausage and turkey ham! $9.80

The rosti was not too bad. The savoury turkey ham and cheese sausage were good choices to go with the plain rosti. The price is also pretty reasonable. The sour cream that they gave was of pretty good quality but it wasn't sour enough. You rarely see rosti served at brunch places do you! Get your dosage of rosti at ARDENT'S instead of Marche!


The Star's Eggs Benedict(as usual) - $13.80

The portion was a tad too small and the eggs were overcooked ): When poached eggs aren't runny, The Star gets upset..

I like the design of Ardent's. Especially the outdoor seating area. I can imagine how pretty it will be at night! The Star felt that it was too dark indoors for brunch haha. Maybe it was dark as it was the halloween weekend? I don't know but I felt it was alright.

Another plus point about Ardent is that the service staff are pretty smiley and I like people who smile warmly at me haha. When we got up to leave, one of them approached us and asked how the food was. I think it is really nice of them to take personal interest in their customers' experience.

Overall, I'd recommend Ardent's for a weekend brunch! Go check out their lovely outdoor area which will be perfect for dinner I believe.

80 Neil Road
Monday - Sunday : 11am - 12am


Love, The Sun

Sun's rating of ARDENT's Cafe Bar: 6.5/10


  1. thanks for this intro, now I know where to go for rosti with sausage away from shopping malls :)

  2. Hi Adel! [: Do let us know what you think of the food and place after you've been there! The outdoor seating area looks amazing doesn't it (:

  3. Went there a few days ago, egg benedict was bad (all day breakfast but bad egg benedicts?????), place was under staffed, aircon seemed like it wasnt working, hot as hell!

  4. Yeah we didn't think that the eggs benedict were good. The eggs were overcooked. Was it the case for you too? You can try Group Therapy's poached eggs! They're awesome with really good hollandaise.

    Anyway, we were almost the only guests at Ardent's when we were there, so we didn't face those problems that you did!
