
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Two Chefs

Two Chefs has been around for a pretty long time and I've been there quite a number of times. I simply can't get enough of their signature dishes. Of course I'll have to share such joy with The Star so one night I brought The Star there for dinner! Being a mountain tortoise he doesn't know Two Chefs exist(DUH) HAHAHA kidding

We love cockles and Two Chefs' cockles are a notch above any other cockles you would have eaten. Drunken cockles, served cold. The savory sauce, garlic and the yummy cockles, this dish sings! We can polish off 2 plates each! Haha lets just say it's so good we went back a few more times, JUST for the cockles. Haha

Sorry for the blur photo.. The photo doesn't do justice to this dish at all. Their famous dish : BUTTER PORK RIBS. I looooove it. Love how the chunks of buttery powder goes so well with the crispy pork. Trust me, you'll fall in love with this too. MUST TRY

This is another of their signature dishes. Its something like golden tofu with mushroom or something. Can't remember the name but yeah its tofu with golden mushrooms! I think it's just pretty normal. 

Omelette with prawns. A common and simple dish which tastes yeah, average.  

Two Chefs is the ideal place for dinner for a small group! Affordable and delicious! Butter pork ribs butter pork ribs butter pork ribs.. The thought of it is making me drool.. Can't wait to go there for dinner again soon!

Blk 116 Commonwealth Cresent

Love, The Sun

Sun's rating of Two Chefs : 8/10

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