
Friday, September 30, 2011

Papa Palheta

Listen up coffee lovers, here's the real deal.

Papa Palheta is THE coffee place that coffee lovers HAVE to visit

The Star and I were in town when we decided to head to Papa Palheta since it's near Newton. We turned in at Hooper Road and there were parking lots right there. We walked to the front of the building right next to the parking lots. We were searching for 140 but we did not see Papa Palheta. Instead, we saw a random sign on the door of a random shop that says something along the line that the entrance is at the back. We didn't think that that would be Papa Palheta. We double checked the map and all and here we are at the correct place but no sight of our destination. So we decided to walk to the back alley and there it was! Such an interesting idea to have the entrance located at the back. One of the reasons why I like this place for sure.


When we first stepped in, this was what greeted us. So laid back and I really adore the carefree atmosphere.

The whole layout of Papa Palheta is peculiarly intriguing. There are a few doors which lead you to different places. I was pretty lost as to where I could get the menu and I was too shy to ask for help, so to save myself any further embarrassment of walking around like a lost sheep, I walked back to our table and told The Star that I don't know what's going on HAHAHAHA. I know I phail.

While walking around like a lost sheep, I also took a few photos (act like I'm just taking photos but actually was desperately trying to look for a menu) but I guess I was in the wrong room to begin with haha


Love vintage-y things



So The Star went to get the coffee, just like how he's always the one ordering.
I never liked warm coffee so I was looking more towards having an iced latte or iced cappuccino. But they only serve warm coffee. A true coffee specialist indeed. Like the idea of how they want their customers to enjoy coffee at its best.

We got a cup of latte. We usually add sugar to our lattes and cappuccinos because they are just too bitter for us. However, this cup of latte changed our views on warm, sugarless coffee. It was SO good we finished it with no sugar at all. It was the first time I've ever drank anything without sugar(besides water duh) and I was really impressed by the aroma and taste of the coffee. When we both took a sip initially, we were like "err. I think we need sugar" but I'm really glad we decided not to add any sugar because after a few more sips, The Star said "actually don't need sugar, it's nice like that" and I was like YEAH! my sentiments indeed. It was definitely the best coffee I've ever tasted in my life. Not exaggerating. What a life changing experience.



The room where you're supposed to get your coffee


Papa Palheta operates on a 'tipping' basis. No one's gonna come after you with a bill or tell you how much your coffee cost. You place however much you think their coffee deserves or you will like to give them into the container at the counter. Our latte was so impressive we felt that it was well worth $6.

We like coffee but we sure aren't coffee connoisseurs and we might not know how to appreciate coffee or tell the difference between different beans and all, but one thing we do know is that we just had a really amazing cuppa coffee

Such awesome coffee coupled with a unique setting and laid back atmosphere, this is definitely the place one can spend a lazy afternoon with old friends and loved ones.

140 Bukit Timah Road
Tue-Fri 9am-6pm
Weekends 9am-7:30pm


Love, The Sun

Sun's rating of Papa Palheta: 9.5/10


  1. Really there isn't like a menu with the prices you just pay whatever. What if you didn't pay anything, then what?
    What was in those cabinets, table clothes, lots of colors.

  2. Hi there, I guess they won't do anything if you don't want to pay but I doubt anyone would do that right. I mean, I don't know. At least I would never do something like that.

    As for the items in the cabinets, they look like cloths to me!
