
Friday, October 14, 2011

Antoinette (Penhas Road) -Revisited

After what was a delightfully-surprising-jawdropping first trip to Antoinette, the Sun and i just have to revisit this awesome place. This time round, minus the novelty, the wow factor was still very much present. It must have taken them huge effort and thought to come up with the design for a place of such finesse.

On our very first trip to Antoinette , we had the Antoinette and Versailles cakes. They were delicioussss. This time round, i finally got to try their strawberry shortcake and the Sun had the Tarte Cafe Caramel.

The classic strawberry shortcake

The cream and sponge was such a delight in my mouth. One of the best strawberry shortcakes i have tasted. As long as the Sun is not having anything chocolate-esque, her standard shoots right up there like a true critic's level. hahah. Well, the Sun felt that the tart wasn't nice and she did not finish it. And I felt it was only alright.

There are really so many things there to try but its not possible to buy everything on one visit so i'm really looking forward to explore their other outlets at Mandarin Gallery and Scarlet hotel and to taste what i didn't on my first 2 visits (:

Epitome of class, opulent and fine dessert.

However, we did find the service there a bit lacking. The staff didn't bother greeting or acknowledging us when we entered. There was a serious lack of smile which made me feel like they were giving us the condescending look. The staff didn't feel approachable either. We like our service warm and bubbly. I think they should improve in this area.

★ ★ rating of the food: 8.5/10
★ ★ rating of the place: 9.5/10
★ ★

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