
Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Animal Resort

Located in an ulu part of Singapore, many probably have not heard of The Animal Resort. It's a place where people board their pets and resident birds walk around. They also sell puppies and have a few unique animals that might fascinate you.

The Star is very hardworking at finding new and pretty dining places and I pale in comparison at that. Not as resourceful as him for sure haha. So when it was my turn to plan the day, I had to come up with a place that he's never heard of. And here it is.

The Animal Resort is really inaccessible so go only if you can drive or if you can cab!


Mister horsey. He seems really friendly but there's a sign saying that he may bite


Fierce bird



Guinea pigs! They have lots of them


Aww baby rabbits


The noisy family of geese



Lonely duck

Strange bird


We spent quite some time looking at the puppies that are for sale but there are no pictures as photography isn't allowed. But anyway, the puppies there are all cooped up in really small places with no toys and nothing. No one cleans up their shit and the living conditions seem really horrible.. ): Also the boarding area seems really small and dirty too.. Can't compare to K9 Kulture's for sure.

The Star was only impressed by the horse. Haha he hated all the geese and birds walking around hahaha so I guess it was quite a bad idea to bring him there.. He was pretty excited to see the puppies but seeing them in such poor living conditions saddened him ):

You won't spend much time here as the compound isn't very big and there are just that many things you can look at. But if you'll like to pat Mister Horsey or be amused by talking parrots you can make a trip down!

Admission is free and there's a carpark.

81 Seletar West Farmway 5

10am - 6pm

Love, The Sun

Sun's rating of TAR: 5.5/10

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