
Friday, August 19, 2011

Antoinette (Penhas Road)

The queen has recently descended at Mandarin Gallery and will descend again soon at The Scarlet. I think I'll always love the one at Penhas the most. I love where it is located. Quiet and exclusive. Antoinette just stands out so much from the shops around it. Can't help but fall in love with it at first sight.

Antoinette was so amazing it rendered The Star and I speechless.


As we drove past Antoinette, I was wowed over by its beautiful exterior. As we searched for a parking lot, I couldn't wait to get to Antoinette, I couldn't wait to see what was in store for the both of us. Antoinette did not disappoint at all.


With an interior so beautiful that The Star wanted it as his home, to say it's pretty, classy or elegant will be a total understatement. I can't find words good enough to describe the place but trust me, you'll love it.





The furniture, the pretty wall paper, the utensils, everything was so perfect together.

We were greeted somewhat warmly by the service staff who were dressed smartly and it kinda made the whole atmosphere classier. We felt like royalty. The extensive display of chocolates, macarons and cakes had the both of us gasping for air at the counter.





The Star chose the famous Antoinette

While I picked (as always), the chocolate cake, Verseille

Antoinette was an electrifying mix of earl grey and milk chocolate with a touch of raspberry. We love how they go so well together.

I love the Verseille too. The dark chocolate cake was really delightful.

The cakes are around $9 but they were worth every single cent. I even considered getting the Antoinette as my birthday cake haha. I called them up one day to enquire about the cakes and Chef Pang was really nice and helpful. Plus points for the friendly and talented chef.



Bought my favourite boy a marshmallow teddy cause he loves marshmallow

The Star loves pretty toilets hahaha and so as usual, he went to explore the toilet and couldn't stop praising it. I guess he really wants to stay there haha.



Even the toilet paper holder is classy. The gold complements the wallpaper really well don't you think so?

The cakes had us grinning from ear to ear as we savoured them. They had us feeling like we were in heaven and The Star was so happy haha. We love to end our days with awesome desserts. Even if the rest of our meals were disappointing, fantastic desserts will make up for them. It's time for you to head to Antoinette if you haven't already done so!

Love, The Sun

The Sun's rating of Antoinette : 9.5/10

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