
Monday, August 29, 2011


The Star and I have always wanted to go to Obolo but as we both stay in the West (and we absolutely detest the fact that most of the good food are in the east), and Obolo is not one of the top to-be-visited places on our list, we kinda let it slip our mind for awhile. However, one night I wanted to have Astons for dinner and The Star was saying "ah hah! you don't know which Astons I'm gonna bring you" Hahaha obviously I thought we would be going to like ghimmoh, or sixth avenue or cathay. I was brought to the East Coast Road outlet instead. Surprise! Haha. After we parked and were walking to Astons, we chanced upon Obolo!! Hahaha and I was quite excited. Even though The Star already had a dessert place in mind, we still went to Obolo before that haha. We are such gluttons haha



Obolo's a pretty small place which will not accommodate too many people comfortably. We were lucky that we were the only ones there at 1015pm. We had the whole place to ourselves and the luxury of taking our time to select our tastebuds-pleasers

I like pretty mirrors like this

Noisette and the bittersweet chocolate macaron


I LOVE NOISETTE. I love the hint of hazelnut which was not too overwhelming. It did not overshadow the taste of the dark chocolate mousse. The crunchy feullitine at the base of the cake added an extra oomph to the cake. I adore cakes with a crunchy base. Especially when the base complements the cake perfectly, what is there not to like? In addition, there were hazelnuts embedded in the cake. The extra crunch gave a different texture to the cake and it was a good touch to the smooth cake. The cake was deliciously satifsfying. It's no wonder Noisette is one of the top 50 cakes in Sunday Times!

The bittersweet macaron. I'm a dark chocolate lover but I don't fancy chocolates which are too dark. The bittersweet macaron was just right for me. Not too bitter, not too sweet, just the way I like it. Definitely a competition against favourites like Canele or Sweetspot. Can't emphasize how much I loveeeee macarons hahaha.

We would have tried more cakes but they were practically out of everything else at such a late timing. I'll definitely return to try their signature cheesecake and new creations that Obolo has to offer! All that aside.. Can I have a Noisette now, please?

452 Joo Chiat Road

Love, The Sun

Sun's rating of Obolo : 9/10

Salted Caramel

Salted Caramel is a pretty new ice-cream parlour in Thomson. It's kinda next to Meng's Kitchen. I've been there a couple of times and I really like their horlicks tim tam icecream! Their salted caramel is not bad too. I've also tried the kahlua which will please you if you're a coffee lover! Their earl grey is not bad too! In addition to their icecream, they also have cakes and what everyone loves, waffles and brownies. Their waffles are crispy and fragrant and when served warm with a scoop of icecream, you just can't stop digging into your waffle.


Haha. As for the brownies, I personally feel that their brownies are not bad.
However they are served with hersheys chocolate sauce and I hate Hershey's chocolate sauce.. But other than that, I think the brownies are pretty good!

They have a cute little corner where there's a toy kitchen with cooking utensils, a pretty good play area for kids and even for adults (like The Star and I who started playing with the toys HAHA)


The place is pretty packed almost all the time(or at least when I was there) and it can take quite awhile before you can get a table.

Do head on down to try their creations if you're in the area! Some icecream after Meng's barchormee. Sounds good doesn't it?

Love, The Sun

Sun's rating of Salted Caramel : 8/10

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Plain

It was a Sunday and I was really excited to go to The Plain. And even more excited because The Star had absolutely no idea where we were going even though he's the one driving hahaha. When we were walking to Craig Road he was making wild intelligent guesses but nahhhh he didn't manage to get it right. It was a pretty long walk from the Pinnacle (we parked there) especially in that scorching hot weather.

Coffee drinkers make better lovers. Yes/no?

The interior was just like it's name, plain and simple, but with just enough decorations to not be dull.






They do not have an extensive selection of food or desserts but what they have will certainly delight you. All day breakfast for the early birds or the busy bees or the lazy sloths. All day breakfast is a winner.

My hot chocolate. Pretty average.


The Iced Latte with the pastrami ciabatta

The ciabatta was pretty good. Pretty filling and great for brunch. I felt that the ciabatta got a bit too tiresome to chew on after awhile though.

Half served Darling eggs. I love ham and cheese, so I loved this too. The sourdough toast went exceptionally well with the ham and cheese. Not forgetting the poached eggs. Eggs are a must-have for brunch! Especially poached ones.

Just look at the yolk oozing out... How can anyone not like poached eggs???

The cafe was pretty chill. And as expected on a sunday, all the tables were occupied but the cafe doesn't look at all packed. There were even people studying there. The cafe doesn't feel too crowded and you'll have your privacy for sure. I really dislike restaurants which make you sit so close to others that you guys are practically involved in everyone's conversations.

I probably will not return anytime soon. Despite the delightful selection they have on their menu, it just isn't enough for me to choose from. But yeah, it was definitely worth the visit.

50 craig road
open daily 7.30am - 7.30pm
wednesday until 10.00pm

Love, The Sun

The Sun's rating of The Plain: 7.5/10

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Cheesecake Cafe

The east has many many good food and hidden finds and after spending most of our time scavenging in the west and central area i decided to hit the roads to uncover some of the interesting places further out east.

One of these places is the Cheesecake cafe. We went to the Cheesecake cafe for dessert after our friday's night dinner date. The Sun usually has tuition classes till late on fridays, so it wasn't a difficult choice deciding on this place as it is one of the few that opens until 12.30am.

It is located along east coast road and that stretch itself has lots of other nice places like temptations , obolo , pave chocolate, ice cream chef etc etc. And this is only desserts! Would love to stay near there!

Upon reaching at the cheesecake cafe, our attention were immediately attracted by the bright yellow sign board. Parking is available across the road among the private estates but park at your own risk! The cafe was packed as it was a friday night and we had to wait outside for about 15 mins before our table came. There is an empty space outside the cafe which i thought could be used as alfresco dining when i was waiting outside, but once i went into the cafe, i know why they would rather their customers wait and experience the decor inside.

The service was pretty good, they were quick to take our orders as we waited outside and once we were seated, our cakes came with little fuss. I like how they used dvd covers as menu! something i've never seen before.

Cute signages that fits the theme of the restaurant

waiting area and main entrance. you really couldn't tell what is awaiting you inside.

TADAH ! the moment i went in, i was in a state of awe. The place was very meticulously decorated. The setting within the cafe was set in like, Victorian / Gregorian times. An entire shop filled with paintings, sculptures, water features, chandeliers. It is so beautiful inside you almost forgot it is a modern cafe selling cakes! If Antoinette is minimalistic and classy then the cheesecake cafe is a form of chaotic opulent. And you could never have figured out that a shop name like the cheesecake cafe has such a beautiful surprise hidden inside.

a roman statue

Just talking bout how nice the place is, is distracting me from our main objective there, the cakes. I'm pretty fond of cheesecake, the classic kind so i ordered the classic american cheesecake. It was good, a good mix of creamy cheesy taste with that bit of sweetness in it. Good biscuit crust at the bottom as well.

The sun wanted to order their special brownie chocolate cheesecake but was sadly sold out. She ordered the peach jelly cheesecake in the end. It was supposedly the shop's specialty as well, but i'm not too sure im a fan of the unique combination. The sun quite like it though and thats all thats important (:

wall filled with portraits and ceramic sculptures

A water feature in the centre of everything

I've mentioned before in an earlier post that i do like my good food and beautiful places to come with a nice toilet. And for such a nicely thought out cafe, their toilet didn't disappoint. Fits the theme to a T. Grade 1 !
Granite tiles and sink

I would start another tag from this post onwards, and thats "First dates places". Definitely, you will wow your partner. (:

685 east coast road, Frankel estate
Opening hours:
3.30pm – 12mn (Sun/Wed/Thu)
4.30pm – 12.30mn (Fri/Public Holidays)
3.30pm – 12.30mn (Sat)

★ ★ rating of the place: 9/10
★ ★ rating of the cakes: 7.5/10

★ ★

Monday, August 22, 2011

World Netball Championships and Food #03 at Post Museum

The Star gave me this as a clue to our destination.




It took me pretty long to guess where we were heading but I still got it right! Haha The Star brought me to watch the finals of the World Netball Championships where the traditional powerhouses Australia and New Zealand battle for the title.


It's been pretty long, a good half a year since I've touched the ball and while watching the game, it made me want to play again. Sometimes I wish I can rekindle that passion I once had for the sport I once loved so much. And the worst part is, I am given so many wonderful opportunities to play and yet I choose not to. Ohwell.. Okay all that aside, the finals was exhilarating!


With the Aussies lagging behind by 6 goals at some point in time and fighting back to match point to point with the All Blacks. The game went into extra time when the Aussies scored the last and winning goal at the final moment, winning their rivals by just one point. Reminds me of the times when I had to fight really hard to win our games. Haha. Anyway, congrats to the Australian team for clinching the title. Really admire their never-say-die spirit.


After the game, The Star drove me to our dinner destination which was a mystery too. He drove to Little India and I kept on trying to guess where he was taking me. Well, I couldn't have guessed it right because I've never heard of the place! He brought me to Food #03 at Post Museum! It's a quaint little cafe with really cute decorations made of recycled materials. You'll feel as though you travelled back in time with the old school utensils and lighting. There was even a large space next door that had many items going at flea prices.









Love the glasses




I forgot the name but its pasta with mushroom in cream sauce

Mushroom risotto with barley grains. Really interesting. The barley grains were very chewy and everything went well together. However, after awhile I got a little sick of it. Interesting dish though, I'll recommend it!

We were very amused by the coaster and took a picture of it then the lady boss came to us and said "you want is it, I have a lot I give you" HAHAHA so cute and nice!

Food #03 is very old school and I love old school places. Very chill and laid back. Although service was a little slow and the food took pretty long to be served, we were pretty occupied by the cute little things lying around. And the staff were really friendly and warm! I love nice service staff haha. There were rumours of them relocating or ceasing operations but I'm not sure about their latest updates. It will really be a pity if they cease operations ): Do check out this precious little gem tucked away in the heart of Little India!

109 Rowell Road
Opening hours :
7-11pm (Tue-Thu)
7pm-12am (Fri)

4pm-12am (Sat)

Love, The Sun

Sun's rating of Food #03 : 7.5/10