
Monday, July 18, 2011


I was at The Caribbean for a party one Saturday night and The Star came to pick me after the party ended. It was around 10 plus and I suggested that we take a trip to Keppel bay, since it's so near and I love the place. I was secretly hoping that Prive would still be open. Haha

So we drove there and luckily for us the place closes at 1130 instead of the original 1030 that I thought. I love how Prive is so serene and tranquil. It makes me happy just by sitting there. However, I prefer to be there in the day as it's a bit too dark for my liking at night. I don't quite like places that are too dark. They make me sleepy and I just don't fancy them. Prive, for one, was too dark for me. But they are sure an awesome place for brunch! Lovely location, may I emphasize haha

We had the banana bread, baked chocolate tart and tiramisu!

The star liked the tiramisu and I liked the chocolate tart. Well, I like anything chocolate basically. Haha

The food at Prive is good but for me, the winning factor is the serenity of its location. I'd definitely go to Prive alot more if I can drive. Haha

Love, The Sun

Sun's rating of Prive : 8.5/10

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