
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Special Post #2

Here's to my favourite boy who loves his icecream with marshmallows and gummybears.

I used to think that The Star is weird because he adds marshmallows to his icecream. Like, who does that??? Haha. Okay, actually I still think it's weird haha. And he thinks I'm weird because I add oreo to green apple froyo. Even though The Star has his weird style of eating his icecream, you will just look past his weirdness when you see how happy he is when he's eating it. Hahaha. Everytime I buy froyo now, I add marshmallows and gummy bears although I don't eat them. This is to shut him up so that he cannot complain that I am mean. HAHA no lah, I'm just kidding. Of course I add them in specially for him [:

This was at Swirlart when I refused to add marshmallows and gummy bears. HAHA only added one marsh and like maybe 3 gummy bears to appease him.

Because of him, I've learnt to try new things. Like The Star made me eat oysters, green bean soup, avocado juice, tau sar pao etc. This may sound a little strange but it's because I am extremely picky when it comes to food and I don't eat ALOT of things. And by alot, I really mean alot. Like I've never eaten watermelon and strawberries before. Yes, that's pretty messed up and insane I know. But The Star has opened up my tasting world to food that I'll never have tried if not for him. Even though I'll never try some for sure. Let's just say that I'm lucky that God has placed him in my life to bring me to more glorious food haha.

After we started dating, we've both put on alot of weight because of our eating sprees. We're constantly on the search for good food, especially desserts. It's no wonder how when we stepped on the weighing scale, we both got a shock of our lives hahaha. But I love food hunts with him nonetheless. And I love how he puts so much effort into planning them, into surprising me and into making sure that the food hunts run smoothly. Such a thoughtful boy <:

It's now 5.03 am and The Star has just gone to bed. It's time for me to turn in too.
I can go on food hunts with you forever. And I hate to say this but I guess we'll really grow fat together hahaha
Goodnight xx

Love, The Sun

Sun's rating of The Star : 10.5/10

Monday, July 25, 2011

Perla's Pastry Boutique

After the failed trip to Perla's the other time, we have been anticipating her re-opening. Situated in Rifle Range Road(very much secluded), are Valentino, an Italian restaurant and Perla's, a pastry boutique. They are managed by a family. Valentino is really famous and you might not even be able to get a place there despite an attempt to make a reservation two weeks in advance. I have never tried the food at Valentino but I've heard that it's really awesome. I will definitely go there sometime soon.

Anyway, we finally got to taste the famous cakes at Perla's!

Chocolate Crumble, $10.80

It was pretty good at first but as you go on, it gets pretty hard to swallow as it's very dry and quite hard. The middle part is filled with the same chocolate they used in the Perla's salami chocolate and I like it. I'd recommend the tart to be shared by at least 3

Banana Chocolate Mousse(I forgot the price)
The Star LOVED it. Haha it was really smooth and it literally melts in your mouth! And not to mention the heavenly combination of banana and chocolate. How can one not fall in love with this cake?

A muffin on the house! It was too hard for us to say it's delicious. But when we manage to bite into the middle, it is nice! If only it was in the daytime and the muffins were fresh out of the oven, I think that this muffin would be well worth a mention

I like Perla's. I like the friendly staff who joked with us and made us feel at home. We arrived at about 9pm and they were supposed to close then, but the staff told us that we could stay till 930! Really nice of them [: I'll definitely return to try more of their pastries!

Address: 7 Jalan Bingka
They close at 9pm

Love, The Sun

Sun's rating of Perla's: 8.5/10

Tai Hwa Bar Chor Mee

The Star brought me to Crawford Court one evening to try the BEST bar chor mee in Singapore(supposedly)

Apparently, they have been around for a really really long time and they are pretty famous! There was an almost constant queue when we were there on a Sunday evening. The Star queued for pretty long for two bowls of BCM


I quite like the BCM except that there was just a tad too much vinegar. The Star cleaned his bowl nice and sparkly while I left a few strands of noodles because those at the bottom were too vinegar-soaked for my tastebuds to handle.

He insists that I have to post a picture of my leftover noodles. Sorry if it spoils your appetite haha

Ohyes and this is the horrible tasting ice lemon tea that I did not take another sip of.

If you're a fervent BCM lover, you've gotta try this place out! I always thought I prefer Meng's Kitchen BCM until I went back there a few days later and realised that Meng's standard has dropped and now pales in comparison. Let's just hope it was an off-day for Meng's and that they wouldn't disappoint me again when I return. Anyway speaking of BCM, the Bedok 85's famous BCM has presented my tastebuds with an alternative and delightful form of BCM. Interesting and like i said, delightful! Nothing better to do on a Sunday? Go on a BCM food hunt my friends! PEACE

Love, The Sun

Sun's rating of the BCM : 8/10

Special Post

Today's special post is for the Sun! She used to work at dog centre, has a dog and is a dog lover! i like dogs too, but cant be considered a dog lover. However, after spending so much time with the Sun and waffles, her affection for the animal has kinda rubbed off me a little. i became more interested in dogs and is hooked onto shows shown on the tv like "dog whisperer" and "dogs 101". I wanna know more, share that affection of hers (:

this is waffles before his disastrous hair cut. such a cute dog, makes it damn easy for people to love him. We had loads of fun bringing him along for our dates at the beginning! and here's one episode from dogs 101 about malteses!

love ,
★ ★

Saturday, July 23, 2011

District 10

The Star wanted to bring me to Perla's but unfortunately it was under renovation when we got there. He always insists on bringing me to places that I've never been to so he can happily say that he's the first to bring me to that place. Haha very irritating but definitely sweet <: So he went through his extensive list of food places to decide where to bring me. He takes note of which places I've never been to before and I must say that that's really very thoughtful and sweet of him [: It was decided that we head to District 10 to try out their desserts. District 10 is located at Winstedt road, near Newton. It can be quite difficult to get there because the roads there are all one-way lanes and you can only enter from a specific road. Anyway, I quite like the place. It was pretty chill and there were pretty lights! I like pretty lights haha

There was an indoor dining area but we chose to sit outdoors. Although it was too dark for my liking but I like how the atmosphere was pretty laid back. The Star and I got a Chocolate Godzilla or something if I didn't get the name wrongly. It was like a platter with a few chocolatey desserts. It was nowhere near impressive at all and I would definitely not go back there for their desserts. I've not tried their main courses and such so I wouldn't know if they are worth a try. Maybe someday I'll head back there for their signature dishes

I'll recommend this place if you're looking for somewhere chill to unwind or a place for drinks with friends.

Love, The Sun

Sun's rating of the dessert : 5/10
Sun's rating of the place: 7/10

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Graze at Martin Road

Family day! it was the sun and i's first family day with Waffles (W). Once again we had an event filled day planned and started off on a gloomy, yes unfortunately, saturday for brunch at Graze @ martin road. Planning was of cos done by yours truly, the sun's only job is to eat and have fun! haha.

anyway, graze @ martin road is relatively new when i went there 1 month plus back. They have another outlet which is more well known at Rochester park. Equally nice i heard. I'm never a fan of crowd, and knowing how many singaporeans are brunch crazy these days, it was a no brainer, i opted for the less known outlet at martin road.

if you have a gps with you, getting there is not a big problem. The place is easy spot just by the side of the road together with the other 2 restaurants side by side, The Provision and Kha. Free parking is also available on a small lane next to the restaurant. However, that space might not be free once whatever they are building at the end of the lane is completed.

Upon reaching there, we were greeted by the warm service crew. As we had W with us, we can only choose the outdoor dinning, which is a pity really. It was beautiful inside as you will see later.

Brunch menu which also acted as table setting

Sad W with his newly groomed look. Graze even provided the drinking bowl and some cute looking dog snacks for him! plus points for extra service.

The sun ordered a cup of hot chocolate as her drink , which according to her wasn't good as they use cocoa powder and not real chocolate. You can trust her when it comes to chocolate. The food was overall pretty good. i enjoyed my Graze burger with its succulent patty and mash potatoes. While the sun, gobbled up her signature cast iron pan which is the restaurant's signature dish for brunch. There were sausages , potatoes, scrambled and poached eggs, bacon, baked beans . . . plentiful and delicious to fill one's tummy for a long time. i did help her finish some of it. haha.

Signature cast iron pan and Graze burger

Graze burger

While sitting outside, we couldn't help but be envious of those dining in the warm and cosy setting of the restaurant inside. Its easier to impress and wow me with a beautifully designed place than with marvelous tasting food. I know what is considered tasty and what is considered not, but above a certain standard, food just taste good to me. My tongue is not calibrated to such precision. So the food at Graze was good, but the layout of the restaurant was even more impressive.

main dining area.

a bar - like table good for bigger gatherings

Cakes and pastries

Cakes, pastries and tea side.

some spices, sauces and stuff you can purchase

cute looking vintage fridge which i fell in love with. i have no idea what they put inside.

a feature wall with teas and cookies available for purchase.


besides being particular about food and place, i'm always curious to see how some restaurant's toilet looks like. For me there's 3 grades of washrooms.
3- yucks, dont even wanna step in
2- its alright, i can do my business comfortably and then leave
1- i wouldn't mind spending another 5mins of my time here

And for Graze, it was a grey and black coloured themed toilet that is simple and nice. Grade 1.

Overall, i like the food, love the place and the price is typical of a brunch you would find most at places these days. Nice, should find a chance to revisit it.

★ ★ rating of Graze: 8.5/10

★ ★

Monday, July 18, 2011


I was at The Caribbean for a party one Saturday night and The Star came to pick me after the party ended. It was around 10 plus and I suggested that we take a trip to Keppel bay, since it's so near and I love the place. I was secretly hoping that Prive would still be open. Haha

So we drove there and luckily for us the place closes at 1130 instead of the original 1030 that I thought. I love how Prive is so serene and tranquil. It makes me happy just by sitting there. However, I prefer to be there in the day as it's a bit too dark for my liking at night. I don't quite like places that are too dark. They make me sleepy and I just don't fancy them. Prive, for one, was too dark for me. But they are sure an awesome place for brunch! Lovely location, may I emphasize haha

We had the banana bread, baked chocolate tart and tiramisu!

The star liked the tiramisu and I liked the chocolate tart. Well, I like anything chocolate basically. Haha

The food at Prive is good but for me, the winning factor is the serenity of its location. I'd definitely go to Prive alot more if I can drive. Haha

Love, The Sun

Sun's rating of Prive : 8.5/10

Friday, July 15, 2011

1 2 6

I have always loved the Dimsum here. But being not very well-versed in the art of chinese, I never knew how to pronounce the name of the shop. I always called it THE LORONG 17 DIMSUM place. Till The Star brought me there for breakfast at 7am one morning and taught me that the name of the shop is actually pronounced as "One Two Six" although its actually in Canto. Pretty cool huh. Okay, don't laugh at me thanks.

Anyway my favourite has gotta be the crabmeat chee cheong fun! I love the sauce, though some may find it salty, but it's special and I really like it. Although I have to say that the crabmeat is so little that you can hardly taste it. Haha I always eat the same few things when I'm there. The crab chee cheong fun, the fu pi juan (beancurd skin roll- I LOVE FU PI JUAN!), hargao and scallop porridge. Somehow you just can't get sick of dimsum, right? Or am I the only one that feels this way? Haha. Anyway, we ate damn alot that morning. Like The Star had century egg porridge and we shared all the above plus siewmai! It's no wonder how we put on weight like it's free.

We went to Geylang another night cause The Star wanted to eat beef hor fun. And I randomly just said that I felt like eating dimsum and he immediately drove over to 126 and we had a hearty meal <: What a sweetie right hahaha

Although the food's pretty good, I will like to comment that the service staff aren't very friendly and some are pretty rude. But thankfully now that there's The Star to do the ordering, I won't have to communicate ineffectively with the service staff anymore. Haha. Anyway before I left that morning, I saw doughnuts on a tray for sale. I contemplated but didn't get one in the end. They looked good.. I've gotta go back soon, have got a dimsum craving right this moment!

Love, The Sun

Sun's rating of 126 : 7.5/10

Buttercake n Cream

Situated in Sunset Way, with a really nice ambience, Buttercake n Cream was the first dessert place The Star ever brought me to. He couldn't stop talking about how good their desserts are and of course I had to try it to find out. Many might not have heard of this place before, but if you happen to be nearby, skip Dailyscoop and head to Buttercake n Cream instead. They might surprise you with their interesting creations. I had the Warm Chocolate Pudding on my first visit. They ran out of vanilla icecream so they replaced it with raspberry icecream. Being a non-berry eater, I did not touch the icecream at all. And not having the vanilla icecream to go with the pudding was a downer. But that does not discount the fact that the pudding was delicious! I like it. The portion was pretty huge! For $11, I would recommend that the pudding be shared! If you're a chocolate lover, or souffle lover, you've gotta try it! Anyway, that was the first time The Star and I ever went out and not knowing that I don't eat berries, he ordered Berry Berry Good because they were out of Banana Drama. Haha when he offered me the icecream I was like.. Err.. I don't eat berries. Followed by an awkward OH from him and and an awkward pause. HAHA. We did not take any pictures then because we were shy. HAHA. But anyway I got these off their website so yeah check them out if you can! OH, they only have these two pictures of their desserts! GUESS WE ARE JUST MEANT TO BE HAHAHA(if you don't quite get it, it's because those were what we ordered hahaha)

Well in any case, we went back there again and tried their milk tea with cookies sundae. Hmm, the sundae was just alright.

and The Star finally got to eat his banana sundae. Such a happy boy hahaha. Love seeing how happy he is when he gets his desserts haha

Love, The Sun

Sun's rating of Buttercake n Cream : 7/10

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mint Museum of Toys

Its not uncommon to hear singaporeans complaining about how boring singapore is and there's nothing left for them to do. i'm guilty of having such prejudiced perception as well. However, ever since i started researching and planning for our occasional dates, i realised there are still many interesting places in singapore that i have not explored. And that is partly the reason why we started this blog, to share the interesting places we've been to and the good food that we've tasted with the world.

Take for example the Mint Museum of Toys. It has been around for quite some time, and yet i believe some might not have even heard of it. As you can guess from the name, it is a museum displaying vintage toys dating as far back as the 1920s. Many are now considered rare collectibles and are worth thousands of dollars.

The layout of the museum is rather different from a conventional one. A 5 level shophouse-like space houses the whole collection of toys. I might not be that young anymore, but still very much a boy and a toy fan. It was quite exciting browsing through the whole collection. Fascinating , as well, to see how much some toys have changed throughout the years.

Popeye playing basketball

some old movie poster

winnie the pooh in his early juvenile phase.

Classic mickey mouse

Match box cars ( i used to have some)

As we were rushing to our dinner venue, we completed the tour (a hurried one) of the place in 45 mins. Given another 30mins, we would probably have more or less combed the entire place. These pictures are only some of the many taken and there is actually quite a fair bit of interesting toys to discover. The only downside is that a $15 entry ticket might be a tad too pricey but it is still worth a visit. Who knows, you might not get another chance to see some of these toys anymore.

★ ★ rating of the museum: 7/10

★ ★

Sunset Grill and Bar

Sunset grill and bar was where i brought The Sun for our first actual outing together. I wanted to impress her with a place where she has never been to. Situated away from the bustling city and surrounded by planes hangers, i felt it would be a good place. We arrived there at around 6.30pm, which was the perfect timing as you can watch how the sky changes and enjoy the view of the amber dusk scenery. Once the sky darkens, the mini light bulbs hanging all around the restaurant lit up to create another sort of ambience for the place.

Fish and Chips

Apple sauce pork chop

Level 1 buffalo wings

Sunset grill and bar is also known for their mega spicy buffalo wings. The spiciness level ranges from 1-10 on the menu but it actually goes all the way up till level 30! Definitely not for the faint hearted. You have to request for levels beyond 10. And if you do take up the challenge of the level 30 wings and finish it, you get to have your name up their hall of fame!

Both the sun and i ordered level 1 wings, and our tongues were stung pretty badly! One word of advice, if you are there on a first date, avoid attempting too high a level, otherwise you'll be sweating like a pig from the spiciness.

Overall, the food were very average and not cheap. But the alfresco dining and scenery kind of made up for it. Nice place to have a first date dinner with the novelty factor but not a place i would return frequently for the food.

★ ★ rating of food : 5/10
★ ★ rating of place: 7.5/10

★ ★